Why should I take this course?
We promise to deliver an unrivaled learning environment by pinky promising you 3 things:
- You only receive the most relevant information: we spent 1,000+ hours researching and interviewing 70+ industry experts so you don't have to
- We follow the "Explain Like I'm 5 Years Old" rule: every minute of this course will be explained in the SIMPLEST terms (as if a 5-year old can understand)
- Note: No 5 year old should actually be taking thiƄs course! Please just wait 16 more years!
- We will be unbiased and honest: people have a ton of varying opinions on cannabis, so we'll present the facts as facts
Did you just launch?
We launched our inaugural class in January 2020, and have been gathering information and industry insights for 3+ years to launch these courses. You have a chance today to be there when these learnings are shared with the world!
All materials will be available on June 1st for our public launch!
Will these courses help me land a job?
Yes - we have worked with 12+ cannabis-related employers and 11+ investors to bring you the most pertinent information.
Upon signing up for this course, you will also receive a "best practice" interview guide as well as the "Green Framework" for selecting only the best opportunities.
How much will it cost?
Upon our full launch, enrollment in both courses will be $99 (which will be include access to an exclusive network of insiders/ investors/ employers, all guides, frameworks, investment playbooks, financial models, cannabis cookbooks, and much more!).
Sign up with your email today and receive 50% off!
Is it legal for me to take this class (even if cannabis is illegal in my area)?
Yes, all materials will be reviewed by our legal specialists and are protected by Freedom of Speech for everyone in the US.
You are also allowed to learn with us in any other country where you can legally purchase books on cannabis, watch movies or documentaries about cannabis, or read guides on cannabis usage.